by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: KEY LESSON OF GENESIS: “GOD MEANT IT FOR GOOD” – APPRECIATE THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD IN ACCOMPLISHING HIS REDEMPTIVE AGENDA INTRODUCTION: There are a lot of bad things that happened throughout this first book of the Bible – this book of Beginnings – this book...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: FINAL PROPHETIC BLESSINGS AND FINAL BURIAL CHARGE ISSUED BY JACOB UPON HIS DEATHBED INTRODUCTION: It is fitting that Jacob’s final words should communicate a legacy of blessing and of fulfillment of covenant promises to the 12 tribes of Israel. His walk with...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: JACOB’S DEATHBED BLESSING REVEALS HIS FAITH IN GOD’S SOVEREIGN ELECTION INTRODUCTION: What event in the life of Jacob would you have chosen to illustrate his faith in God? It is interesting and significant that the writer of the book of Hebrews points to the...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: GOD PROSPERS THOSE WHO SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AGENDA INTRODUCTION: In studying the book of Genesis we must never lose sight of God’s Kingdom Agenda. We began the book in Paradise – the Garden of Eden where all was right and good in the world dominated by...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: PROVIDENTIAL RECONCILIATION BLESSED BY GOD WITH ABUNDANT PROVISION AND INWARD TRANSFORMATION INTRODUCTION: Do we have a heart that promotes reconciliation or a heart that harbors bitterness and resentment? Do we have a confidence that God’s Providence and...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: FAMILY RECONCILIATION REQUIRES TRANSFORMING REPENTANCE INTRODUCTION: The earlier chapters were important to establish a baseline regarding the selfish character of Joseph’s brothers. They despised Joseph as the favorite son of their father. They had no...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: GOD’S MERCIFUL LOVE AND PROVISION FAR SURPASS OUR FEARS AND ANXIOUS EXPECTATIONS – PREPARATION FOR CONVICTION AND REPENTANCE INTRODUCTION: This passage bounces back and forth between the fears of Jacob and his sons and the unbounded love and provision from...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: PROVIDENTIAL PRESSURE SETS THE STAGE FOR FAMILY RECONCILIATION AND MESSIANIC BLESSING INTRODUCTION: This chapter cannot be studied in isolation. It is a stage setting chapter – that must be taken in concert with the overall story of Joseph’s dealings with...
by Paul Apple | Mar 10, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: GOD ELEVATES JOSEPH TO PROMINENCE IN EGYPT TO ORCHESTRATE HIS ULTIMATE PROMISES OF DIVINE RESCUE AND REDEMPTION INTRODUCTION: [Title taken from R. Kent Hughes] Hughes: These final events of Joseph’s imprisonment were arranged by God to make Joseph an...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: DISAPPOINTMENT AND DELAY PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES TO GLORIFY GOD INTRODUCTION: This staged drama between the king’s cupbearer and his baker provides the backdrop for Joseph later on to be summoned before the king to interpret his dream. It will open the door...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: GOD USES EVEN INJUSTICE AND CAPTIVITY TO ACCOMPLISH HIS PURPOSES OF PROSPERING HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE TO ACCOMPLISH HIS KINGDOM OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION: We are so addicted to comfortable circumstances – to a life of ease and luxury. We flinch at even the smallest...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: SINFUL SCENARIOS CAN FULFIL COVENANT COMMITMENTS INTRODUCTION: Who cares about the origin of Perez? Apparently it is a big deal to God. History in the OT is the recording of “His Story” = the characters and events that God deemed significant in His...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED HAS BECOME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE INTRODUCTION: This account transitions into the life of Joseph and his mistreatment at the hands of his brothers. It must be read with several key perspectives in mind: – The...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: PILLARS OF REMEMBRANCE MARK SIGNIFICANT MILESTONES ALONG LIFE’S JOURNEY FOR JACOB INTRODUCTION: Every life is marked by a number of significant milestones. Such was the case for Jacob. Some of these milestones were full of joy – others were full of sorrow...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: THERE IS A REASON GOD FORBIDS HUMANS TO EXERCISE VENGEANCE — VENGEANCE CAN ONLY BE FAIRLY ADMINISTERED BY A HOLY AND JUST GOD INTRODUCTION: God has established human government to restrain the outward expression of sin and to punish evil doers. The...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: HOW CAN THE BELIEVING COMMUNITY PEACEFULLY CO-EXIST WITH RELATIVES FROM A WORLDLY VALUE SYSTEM? INTRODUCTION: Jacob’s family situation should strike you as messy and complicated. We have been looking in recent chapters at how Jacob was able to untangle...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: FEARS GIVE WAY TO FAITH IN GOD’S PROMISES WHEN WE ARE BROKEN OF OUR SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND CLING TO GOD ALONE INTRODUCTION: We are so filled with pride and self-sufficiency that there must come a point when God breaks us and casts us in complete dependence on...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: GOD CALLS HIS REDEEMED PEOPLE TO RETURN TO THEIR PROMISED HOME INTRODUCTION: Hughes: Looking forward, Jacob’s exodus from Mesopotamia provides a prophetic outline of Israel’s exodus from Egypt. Here Jacob’s large family flees from Laban; here a multitude of...
by Paul Apple | Mar 9, 2020 | Bible-OT
BIG IDEA: DESPITE OUR FAITH FAILURES AND SINFUL MANIPULATIONS, GOD BRINGS GUARANTEED PROSPERITY TO HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE INTRODUCTION: We need to begin this section at the end – at vs. 43 where we discover that God has abundantly prospered Jacob. That is quite surprising,...