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2 Peter 3:14-17  — On Guard!

2 Peter 3:14-17 — On Guard!

BIG IDEA: DILIGENT WATCHMEN ALWAYS STAND GUARD – OVER PERSONAL CHARACTER – OVER GOD’S TRUTHINTRODUCTION: “Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things”Our Motivation for Standing Guard and PerseveringI. (:14-15) STAND GUARD OVER...
2 Peter 3:10-13  — The Big Burn Theory

2 Peter 3:10-13 — The Big Burn Theory

BIG IDEA: GOD’S PROMISES ABOUT END TIMES MOTIVATE US TO PERSEVERE IN HOLINESSINTRODUCTION: Everyone has heard of “The Big Bang Theory” of how this world came into being. Of course that is completely ludicrous … but because of the depravity of their...
2 Peter 3:1-9  — Promisekeeper

2 Peter 3:1-9 — Promisekeeper

BIG IDEA: THE WORD OF GOD WILL DELIVER ON ITS PROMISES IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOD’S TIMETABLE –IT ALWAYS HASIT ALWAYS WILL2 Peter 1:4 “He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises”so that we might live holy livesJohn 14:1-3 “I...
2 Peter 2:17-22 — Pigs in the Preacher Pen

2 Peter 2:17-22 — Pigs in the Preacher Pen

BIG IDEA: FALSE TEACHERS LURE OTHERS INTO THEIR FILTHY PIT BY PROMISING WHAT THEY CAN’T DELIVERINTRODUCTION: Original poem = a spoof of “Mary had a little lamb”; speaking of the wolf in sheep’s clothing that devoured the other sheep that were...
2 Peter 2:4-9  — The Guillotine and the Lifeline

2 Peter 2:4-9 — The Guillotine and the Lifeline

BIG IDEA: THE LORD KNOWS HOW TO RESERVE THE WICKED FOR JUDGMENT AND PRESERVE THE RIGHTEOUS FROM BEING POLLUTED INTRODUCTION:Key: The Lord knows what is going on; He is not unaware of the evil that is taking place — even though to us it seems like there is no...
2 Peter 2:1-3  — Preachers in the Pigpen

2 Peter 2:1-3 — Preachers in the Pigpen

BIG IDEA: DETECTING THEIR DECEPTION — SNIFFING OUT FALSE TEACHERSINTRODUCTION:What does a Pigpen smell like?Matt. 7:15-23 important to examine the fruitMatt. 13:24-30,36-43 the enemy is busy sowing tares among the Christian churchesWhy does Peter feel that it is...
2 Peter 1:8-11  — Don’t Mess with the Recipe!

2 Peter 1:8-11 — Don’t Mess with the Recipe!

BIG IDEA: FOUR BENEFITS OF CONSISTENT SPIRITUAL GROWTHI. (:8) FRUITFUL LIFE AND MINISTRYDe Haan: “A Gratifying Effectiveness”A. Qualification to Pursue 1. Possession of these qualities — “if these qualities are yours” 2. Growth in these...